The Prosecutor Vetting Commission established its evaluation panels, as foreseen in Law 252/2023. The panels, labeled „Panel A” and „Panel B”, consist of three members each. Each panel is chaired either by the Commission’s Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson, respectively. As per the Commission’s decision, „Panel A” has is composed of Christopher Lehmann (Chair), Saskia de Vries and Nadejda Hriptievschi. Panel B is composed of Tatiana Răducanu (Chair), Irmantas Mikelionis and Cornel Lebedinschi.

As per Law 252/2023, evaluation files are randomly allocated to the evaluation panels, using an online tool for random generation. The same mechanism is also used when selecting the panel’s “rapporteur”, meaning the member who drafts the panel’s evaluation report. In the event of a conflict of interests, the Commission can randomly reallocate the file or, if necessary, reconstitute the panel’s members.