The Prosecutor Vetting Commission has invited four candidates for the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ Selection and Evaluation Board to public hearings scheduled for March 26 – 27.

The candidates are civil society representatives Tatiana Rotaru, Elena Demian, Sergiu Beșliu, and Aliona Chisari-Rurak. The candidates were also informed about identified doubts to be addressed during the interviews. They may request access to the evaluation materials within at least 3 days before the hearing.

The subjects must confirm their attendance at the hearings within two days. In the event of refusal to participate in the interviews, the candidates are evaluated based on the accumulated information.

The hearings are open to the public. Mass media, civil society, and members of the public may attend as observers. The Prosecutor Vetting Commission will shortly provide details on the time and location of the hearings.

The evaluation of candidates for membership in the self-governing bodies of prosecutors, namely the Superior Council of Prosecutors and its specialized boards, is conducted under Law 26/2022 and the Commission’s Rules of Procedures.