Prosecutors Eugenia Zubco and Grigore Niculita passed the external evaluation under Law No. 26/2022 and are excluded from further evaluation under Law No. 252/2023, in accordance with art. 3 para. (2) lit. a) of the same law. Specifically, law states that „evaluation under Law No. 252/2023 shall not be applicable to persons who passed the integrity evaluation under Law No. 26/2022”.
Both prosecutors – concurrently, subjects of evaluation under Law No. 252/2023 – were evaluated as candidates for the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ (SCP) Boards membership. Former delegated prosecutor with Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office (APO), Eugenia Zubco, is vying for membership in the SCP’s Discipline and Ethics Board and was publicly heard on 17 October 2024.
The evaluation of APO prosecutors started in late May 2024, with 67 subjects submitted for evaluation, of whom 10 have resigned, 2 other have passed the evaluation under Law No. 26/2022, 1 has failed the evaluation due to non-submission of required documents, 1 remains a fugitive from justice, and 53 are under evaluation.
The first rounds of APO prosecutors’ hearings under Law No. 252/2023 are slated for the beginning of next year.