The Prosecutor Vetting Commission completed the evaluation of another three candidates to the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ (SCP) Boards. Prosecutors Eugenia Zubco and Viorel Beiu passed the evaluation, as the Commission unanimously concluded that they meet the ethical and financial integrity criteria set forth in Law No. 26/2022.

Both candidates are vying for positions as members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ (SCP) Discipline and Ethics Board. Prosecutor Viorel Beiu was publicly heard on 16 October 2024 and Eugenia Zubco was heard on 17 October.

Additionally, the Commission adopted a decision on prosecutor Valeriu Sirbu, who seeks membership in the SCP’s Selection and Evaluation Board. In his case, the Commission unanimously concluded that the candidate does not meet the assessment criteria, thus failing the evaluation. The public hearing of this candidate was conducted on 10 October 2024.

The adopted decisions were sent to the candidates and SCP and will be published only if the candidates do not object to publication.

To date, the Commission has issued 24 decisions concerning SCP Boards candidates.