On 27 December 2024, the Prosecutor Vetting Commission completed evaluation of all candidates to the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ (SCP) Boards under Law No. 26/2022.

The SCP had presented the Commission with a total of 32 candidates for evaluation. Of these, 22 were candidates for the SCP’s Selection and Evaluation Board membership and 11 were candidates for the SCP’s Discipline and Ethics Board. One of the candidates competes for both Boards.

Under Law No. 26/2022, the candidates were assessed for financial and ethical integrity. Fifteen candidates passed the evaluation, meaning an overall passing rate of 47%. Seventeen candidates failed the evaluation; this represents about 53% of the candidates. The decision to fail the evaluation leads to candidate’s exclusion from the competition.

Among most common reasons for failing the evaluation were (1) withdrawal from the competition, (2) violation of the legal regime on assets and personal interests’ declaration, (3) violations of the Prosecutor’s Code of Ethics or the European Convention of Human Rights, (4) doubts concerning discrepancies between expenses and declared income, and (5) doubts concerning the veracity of declared purchase price for various goods.

The list of all evaluated candidates, along with the evaluation outcome for each candidate is available here. The video recordings of the hearings, as well as the adopted decisions are also available on the Commission’s website. Under the law, the decisions can be published only with the candidate’s consent.